Yesterday was the environmental fair and Mother Nature heard my silent prayers because instead of rain we had a dry day with even a few appearances made by the sun. It was a fun day! I have not showed my work in so long that I forgot how much fun it is and how fulfilling it can be. When I did shows before my work was a lot different and I feel like I painted things that I thought people would want. My work was very primitive and honestly I personally did not connect to it. Also I would do shows with my parents. I shared booths with them and really it was not my own. Looking back I was depending on them and piggybacking off what they were doing and instead of growing up and doing my own thing. In truth I was hiding behind them. A lot has happened in the five years since I have showed last and I am definitely not the same dependant, people pleasing, timid, depressed girl.

Two compliments stand out in my head from yesterday. First a woman said to me that I must be a very happy person because my work is so colorful and vibrant. My husband and I chuckled after she left considering I suffer from major depression, but thinking about it I don’t anymore. After suffering with depression for as long as remember I don’t. The meds I take help me feel the way I am supposed to feel, they help my brain work the way it’s supposed to work. I am not just a happy person, but a tiny bit more confident, more patient, and when it comes to creating I am not afraid to try new things and create what I want.

The other compliment that stands out was that I really have my own unique style. Like my art or not that is true. I don’t want my work to look like anyone else’s. Every time I make a piece I am trying to create my own style and look. That is the best compliment I can get.

The show was small and there were not too many people that came through but I really think that was because of the questionable weather conditions. The people who ran the event were fabulous. They were so nice and even helped carry things to and from your car. I sold a few items and met some wonderful people and best of all I got a show under my belt. I was so nervous ahead of time and if you would have asked me a couple of weeks ago I’m not sure if I would have said I could pull it off. I worked like a crazy lady the past few weeks to get things finished. Staying up to almost midnight working became the norm. And I have to be honest I loved it. I am hoping to keep up that routine. I really want to make my online shop more successful and I would love to be able to some more shows. I know this sounds cheesy but I could not have gotten everything completed without Michael and the kids.

Oh I am going to do my first giveaway in the next couple of weeks so check back this week for the details.