Four years ago when I found out I was having a baby girl one of the first things I did was have my parents go onto their attic and get down my toys. I couldn’t wait to share my Barbie’s with Abbey even though she was years away from being able to play with them. My sister and I played Barbie’s a lot when we were kids. We had a house, cars, a pool, a horse, the McDonald's, The Rocker Stage, a boutique, a bicycle, the kitchen that smelled like vanilla and furniture for every room in the house.
When I started unpacking my childhood things I found my Barbie Magazines. I remembered looking at them when I was little. The first issue I have is from the spring of 1984, I was 5. Looking through each magazine is a trip back in time. The magazines are full of fashion, health and beauty tips, celebrity interviews, advertisements, girl power, and of course Barbie.

Every magazine started off with a little message from Barbie.
This particular issue had an interview with Punky Brewster, I had her sneakers!
( We girls can do anything ... right Barbie!)
This iron decal was a little gift that came with one of the magazines. Today I finally ironed it on a t-shirt, it only took 27 years. I was surprised it still transferred. My three year old took this fabulous picture of me in my new tee.
I love this advertisement. The bright colored stickers are great. I had a sticker book filled with those when I was little.
Towards the back of each magazine there was a little “Barbie Drama”. I used to enjoy reading them. I loved how they staged all of the pictures. This was my favorite Barbie story. I loved the pumpkins and the costumes.
Today I am sharing my fabulous vintage Barbie magazines with
Coloradolady for
Vintage Thingie Thursday. Take some time and stop over and visit more childhood memories. Oh, and next Thursday I am planning on sharing a few more vintage Barbie thingies from the 80’s.