Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am so excited I am finally finished with all of my post holiday organizing. My studio became the dumping ground for everything I did not want to deal with during the holidays. Other than a very small path for the cat to walk through to get to his litter box you couldn’t make it through my studio without tiptoeing and leaping over boxes, chairs, bags, baskets, and garbage it was a disaster.
  My studio is in our unfinished section of our basement and the only time I can see daylight is when it is warm enough to have the basement doors open. It is not my ideal working space, it is dreary and damp, but I shouldn’t complain it’s better than working at the kitchen table and having to clean up after myself all the time.
  Along with organizing all of the Christmas decorations I have been going through and beginning to organize all of our things to get ready to move. This year there was no shoving decorations here or there I actually organized everything so it was ready for our upcoming journey whenever that may be.
We were also privileged to be able to have some amazing things from my husband’s grandparent’s estate. Last January we lost his grandpa and right before the Christmas we lost his grandma. They were both amazing people. They lived on their own for 92 years and left us with so many special memories. I was very lucky to get all of his grandmother’s sewing and craft supplies plus whatever Christmas and everyday knick knacks we wanted. It was neat going through all of her sewing and crafting goodies I felt like I got to know her a little better. I also learned she was as organized as I am lol. She was very talented and creative always making something special for family and friends and I feel honored to have so many of her beautiful pieces of art.


1 comment:

  1. Your studio looks like a beautiful and inspiring place! And it's wonderful to have things that have been passed down from family (even if it's sad to have lost them).

    I am dreaming up a way to carve out a little creating space in our small home. I think when the new room we're having built for the kids (in the roof) is done I will be able to squeeze a sewing/creative area into what will become the study/guest room... hope so! Would be so lovely not to have all my things squashed into corners of cupboards here and there!


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