Hi! I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend! I know I am a week late on an Easter post but better late than never.

Easter was nice but a little sad. Noah came to me Saturday morning after Abbey’s preschool egg hunt and said he wanted to talk to me about something. I knew what he wanted to talk about and I wasn’t ready to answer the question he was looking for. You want to keep your kids small and innocent forever but unfortunately there comes a time when you have help pop the balloon. He asked me if the Easter bunny and Santa Claus were real. He is 9 and I remember I was his age when I stopped believing but I didn’t want to be the one to tell him. He was so mature when we talked about it, I think I was more upset then he was. He thanked me for all the wonderful gifts he had gotten over the years which was sweet. We had a really great talk. I know he is not perfect and makes mistakes but he really is an amazing boy. After we were finished talking I asked him if he had any other questions and he blurts out where do babies come from. I shot back ask your father in two years, I guess he is not my baby anymore.

Abbey had fun coloring eggs!
This is one of the eggs I colored. Michael won the best egg decorator award. He was so excited his artwork was better than mine!
Friday I finally had a chance to create! I would love to finish my boot collage over the next couple of days. I have a lot more succulents create before I can even start putting it together.
I am a little stumped how I want to do the background!
I have been a little preoccupied helping put together an art show for Abbey's Preschool. It is amazing how time consuming putting together a little event can be. I have been contacting local artist on Etsy to participate. I have met some amazing people! I am hoping for beautiful weather on May 5th and a nice turnout!
We are having crafts for the kids to create, a school wide masterpiece created by all the children in the school, we are setting up an Alex's Lemonade Stand, there will be local artists, crafters, and vendors, we will be grilling hot dogs and burgers and of course we will be making ice cream sundaes!
I can definitely check off my volunteer more goal on my things I wanted to do in 2012! :)
Now I just need to create more!
Have a wonderful Sunday!