Saturday, December 18, 2010

Paperwhites and a Fabulous Vintage Angel

I think paperwhites are beautiful, but I never tried to grow them before. So, a couple of weeks ago I picked up several bulbs at a local gardening shop and thought I would give them a try. They are very easy to grow; all you need is water, glass jars, and a bright spot to set them. I was so excited yesterday my first paperwhite started to bloom. The flowers are so delicate and pretty. They are going to make a beautiful holiday centerpiece.

After admiring my blooming paperwhite this morning I was able to escape the house alone and get some Christmas shopping done. I ended up at my favorite antique and farmers market. I found some unique gifts for a few special people and a little vintage present for myself. She was only five dollars and I think she was worth every penny. She is fabulous. Her cute little face and crazy blonde hair reminds me of an angel my parents put on our family tree when I was a kid. She fits on top of our little tree in the kitchen perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I love the vintage angel. My grandmother always placed a vintage angel on the top of her Christmas tree similar to this one.


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